Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Week 6

This week I completed my page templates and my navigation setup. The navigation was a little more tricky than I expected. Wordpress does not automatically allow you to have a different navigation setup based on what page you are looking at. For example on my site my menu at the top will always be the same no matter what page you are on (see pictures below). However I want the second menu (below the header) to have different options depending on what page you are viewing. For example when you are viewing the wrestling page you will want the option to view the wrestling roster, schedule, news, ect. not see the options for the basketball team. In order to do this I had to register a new menu with in the functions.php file for each menu I wanted to add. Along with this I had to create a new page template for each subpage (ie. Wresting, Basketball, ect.). I also had to create a subheader for each of these as well. Within the header this is where I was able to add the different submenus for each subpage.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Week 5

This we I started my first sprint of my project. This week I made good project finding the theme that I am going to use and I added the navigation portion for this. I learned how to register my own custom menu on wordpress and created the child theme for my project.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Week 4

This week I finalized my design for my webpage hierarchy and the DB ERD for my website.  I also started to work on the layout for my page templates as well as for my homepage.  So far everything is working as planed. Attached is a picture of my ERD.